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EasyTrak Solutions and ONTRAC Telematics Corporation Announce Merger to Form a Powerful Telematics Industry Leader

Published by Business Barbados: May 17th, 2023

ONTRAC Telematics Corporation (ONTRAC) and EasyTrak Solutions (EasyTrak), two prominent players in the telematics industry, announced their merger effective April, 2023. This strategic union brings together the strengths and expertise of both companies to create a formidable force in the rapidly evolving telematics landscape…..

“The EasyTrak team have focused for over 8 years on bringing superior business insights to the market and working with the premier fleet management platforms globally to provide local and regional businesses with data analytics not collected or utilised by any other provider. Insights which go beyond GPS tracking and save customers thousands” said Veronica Miillington – Co-Founder & CMO of EasyTrak Solutions.

In a statement, Khalil Bryan – Co-Founder of EasyTrak Solutions shared that “by merging the skills and experience of the two best players in Barbados the local and Caribbean landscape will benefit exponentially”.

5 Bajan startups set for Growth with TBR LAB Accelerator Program

Published by Loop News Barbados: June 3rd, 2021

TBR LAB by Tech Beach Retreat rolled out its inaugural accelerator program with 38 startups from 11 countries, including five from Barbados. Executed in collaboration with the world-leading incubator for tech startups, the DMZ based at Ryerson University, the program is designed to connect local talent with the global insights and resources required for them to scale successfully. The DMZ recently announced a major milestone with startups in its portfolio, achieving US$1 billion in funding. All 38 entrepreneurs enrolled in the eight-week course are eager to leverage the unprecedented access granted by the program, including Khalil Bryan, founder of Caribbean Transit Solutions Limited, a digital platform that provides timely and accurate public transit information to commuters in Barbados.

The Importance of Passion, Positivity and Persistence in the Start-Up Journey

Published by: ICT Pulse, Dec 19th, 2018

Although the word ‘entrepreneur’ might sound sexy, in fact, it is anything but that. Entrepreneurs tend to face several challenges that can bring them to their knees, and even to give up. Barbadian entrepreneur, Khalil Bryan, shares is own journey – the blood sweat and tears, along with the passion, positivity and persistence – which has resulted in Caribbean Transit Solutions, and which may soon be able to offer more cost-effective inter-island travel options across the Caribbean region.

Apps to make road use wiser

Published by: Nation News Barbados, July 17th, 2015

BARBADOS’ transportation and traffic woes are no secret. Just ask the estimated 44,000 people who commute to work and other places daily. Unknown to most, however, is that a new company headed by a group of innovative Barbadian entrepreneurs has quietly come up with a suite of solutions to ease the headache that domestic travel often brings.

BeepBus on route to raise funds

Published by: Nation News Barbados, July 7th, 2017

CARIBBEAN TRANSIT Solutions is continuing its work in revolutionising Barbados’ transport system but the team needs support.
The latest endeavour, BeepBus, seeks to provide real time tracking of Transport Board buses and PSV’s so commuters would have accurate, up to the minute information on what was available on which route and what time they could expect transport.

However, such things take capital, which is why they have a crowd funding campaign ongoing at caribbeantransitsolutions.com/crowd-funding.

The WEEKEND NATION visited Caribbean Transit Solutions in its Spirit Bond Mall, The City headquarters and spoke to marketing lead Veronica Millington and business development lead Khalil Bryan about BeepBus and the crowd funding campaign.

Paving the Way for More Efficient Caribbean Transportation Systems

Published by: Infodev, March 15th, 2018

Caribbean Transit Solutions, based in Barbados, provides real-time and on-demand information on public transit vehicles as well as private fleets of vehicles. Source: www.infodev.org

World Bank Project: Paving the Way for More Efficient Caribbean Transportation Systems

Republished by: The World Bank, November 1st, 2018

This feature is an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. This piece was originally published on March 15, 2018.

CTS receives investment

Published by: Infodev, March 15th, 2018

CTS received investment from Barbados’ Trident Angels group which enabled them to qualify for a CO-Investment grant under the LINK-Caribbean programme funded by World Bank Group and implemented by Caribbean Export.

Better Bus Service Could Be At Bajans’ Fingertips

Published by: Loop News Barbados, June 19th, 2017

CTS Ambassador of Buzz, Veronica Millington, told Loop News that there has been a high level of engagement with the project since launching the online fundraiser.
“We got more validation that what we’re doing is solving the right problem. Quite a few people responded out of frustration – not at us, but questioning if it will work and questioning the system as it exists today. So to me, that reinforces that we’re solving the problem – clearly, there’s a frustration around transportation in Barbados.”

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